Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson proved that brevity can be beautiful. Only now is her complete oeuvre--all 1,775 poems--available in its original form, uncorrupted by editorial revision, in one volume. Thomas H. Johnson, a longtime Dickinson scholar, arranged the poems in chronological order as far as could be ascertained (the dates for more than 100 are unknown). This organization allows a wide-angle view of Dickinson's poetic development, from the sometimes-clunky rhyme schemes of her juvenilia, including valentines she wrote in the early 1850s, to the gloomy, hell-obsessed writings from her last years. Quite a difference from requisite Dickinson entries in literary anthologies: "There's a certain Slant of light," "Wild Nights--Wild Nights!" and "I taste a liquor never brewed."
Book of 1000 Poems
A treasury of beloved poetry contains contributions from such legendary poets as Emily Dickinson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Blake, and many others.
Poems of Mourning
(Every man's Library Pocket Poets)
By Peter Washington (Editor)
When you visit this site, you will find
titles and poetry included.
Stars In The Deepest Night
Genesse Bourdeau Gentry
Stars in the Deepest Night is a collection of poetry in which a bereaved parent describes the convoluted nightmare, isolation and transformation of grief after the death of a child. This book will be read and reread by bereaved parents and is a must for the families and friends who love them.
Great Poems by Women
A Golden Ecco Anthology
By Carolyn Kizer
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Carolyn Kizer has compiled the 100 best poems by women, from the 15th century to the present. Although the book contains many of the obvious choices -- poems by Marianne Moore, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, and Adrienne Rich -- it is Kizer's selection of lesser-known but extraordinary poets that makes this collection stand out.
The Complete Poems, 1927 - 1979
By Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop was vehement about her art--a perfectionist who didn't want to be seen as a "woman poet." In 1977, two years before her death she wrote, "art is art and to separate writings, paintings, musical compositions, etc., into two sexes is to emphasize values in them that are not art." She also deeply distrusted the dominant mode of modern poetry, one practiced with such detached passion by her friend Robert Lowell, the confessional.
Treasures of Darkness
By Kenneth M. Hekman
Treasures gives us a glimpse of the profound impact one young life can have on a worldwide community, and it maps a journey through four stages from being afraid to die, to not being afraid to live again. It serves as a guidebook for others who face adversity of all kinds, and illuminates a path toward renaissance like no other artistic work.