Then using red or pink (color of your choice) paint the entire heart. Before the paint dries sprinkle glitter on the heart. Allow this to dry. After it has dried spray a clear coat over entire heart. This will give it a shiny appearance. Allow this to dry.
You are now ready to decorate your heart.
For Pin:
Glue a small white ribbon and small white rose bud to the front top. Add a pin to the back to wear and/or attach to card for a gift.
Broken Heart Hanging:
Glue string of white pearls around the entire heart. Add a white bow to front top and another piece of ribbon for hanging. Attach small laminated card with saying on it. (optional)
You can even write your child's name on one side of the heart and dates on the other. For laminating I use clear shelf paper.
Print saying of your choice on card and laminate.
Charlene Dickerson © 2001
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