First prepare your work space. Then using the woodland green, canary yellow and your sponge cover the entire wood plaque, alternating between colors. Using the gold and medium brush paint the outer edge of the plaque gold. Paint over the green. If green shows through it is fine. You are not trying to cover it...just adding to it.
While plaque is drying use computer and print out your child's name. Make sure to adjust its size to fit your plaque. When plaque is dry use transfer paper to place name on plaque as I have done in the photo. Now you are ready to paint child's name using small liner brush and black paint. When dry spray entire plaque with clear glaze.
Spoons: Cover the handle with masking tape. Using spray primer cover the spoon part. Let dry. When this is dry sponge the same way as plaque using gold on the outer edges of the spoons. Using black paint and liner write dates and name & age...for example.
Left Spoon: On earth 11-5-78
Middle Spoon: Mark Anthony Dickerson "18"
Right Spoon: In Heaven 1-23-97
When everything has dried, use drill to make a small hole in each corner for stringing wire to hang. Also to make hole where you want the hooks to go so they will go in easier. Be sure to measure space so spoons will be even. After you have done this and attached your hooks, add wire for hanging.
Now use the E6000 glue to attach the smallest spoon accents and angels. (Refer to the photo for placement). I used my son's baby spoon to add to the plaque and make it more precious. I glued this just above his name. It is engraved with his name and birthday.
Note: Materials for this craft can be found at Wal-mart and/or Hobby Lobby.
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