Note: Supplies can be found at Wal-mart and/or Michaels & Hobby Lobby stores.
Cover the entire box with the white spray paint. Using Hunter green and Black
pour a small amount onto the Styrofoam plate. Next use a sponge brush and
dipping sponge into both colors, cover the spine and back of book in these
colors. Allow to dry.
Next: Using white and a very small amount of cobalt blue sponge the top half of the front cover of the book. Allow colors to mix and blend as you sponge them on. Create a beautiful sky. Do the bottom half of front cover in black and hunter green. (please refer to picture if unsure).
Then: Tear off small pieces of sea sponge that resemble foliage shapes. These will be used for the flowers and other greenery.
Apply lighter green highlights using mixture of hunter green and yellow. Dip sea sponge shape into the paint and lightly apply to the bottom half of box…remembering to add at random to make it look like bushes. Make very light wisps of color. You are only trying to create an illusion of foliage. (allow to dry completely)
Now use a clean piece of sea sponge and apply your flowers in the same fashion. Dip the sponge in red and a small amount of white…blend a little and apply. Add purple flowers the same way. Refrain from over blending. This will cause your flowers to look too plain. Different shades of colors make flowers…etc…have a more realistic look.
Front Cover: Make a computer print out of Angel Memories. Using transfer paper and print out trace writing onto front cover of book. Using black paint go over writing. (Font I used was Daniela , size 26). Use size and font you like best.
On Spine: Using transfer paper and computer print out of your child’s name and dates place them on the book spine (refer to pictures for placement). Using the liner brush and white( paint over transfer lettering)…etc. Allow everything to dry completely.
Finishing: Brush on glaze or spray entire book with clear spray paint. Allow this to dry and your memory box is ready for you to put your angel’s pictures …keepsakes…etc. in.
Note: Use the colors of your choice. I used Hunter Green because it is my son’s favorite color.
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