Prepare work space. Using sponge brush, cover the entire pillow (front & back) with black. Allow to dry. Using bright blue sponge the front of the pillow.
Next: Tear off a nice piece of sea sponge. Look at the shape and make sure you have a nice shape for foliage. Using black go around the sides and bottom lightly pressing whisps of color to look like foliage. Then use your green and do the same thing.
Flowers: Using a piece of sea sponge and a mixture of red and white lightly sponge in flowers. Move around and add some here and there to the pillow. Don’t make them all the same or in a straight line. Remember you are barely touching the paint and sponge to the pillow to add whisps of color. Allow proper drying time.
Writing on Pillow: If you don’t think you can draw it free hand, use your computer and make yourself a pattern. You can also find stencils to use. Add your child’s name in the center (real big). Add your child’s birthday on the left side in smaller writing. Then add your child’s heaven date to the right side. Refer to the picture if you are unsure about any of the instructions.
Note: Other things you can do to your pillow is glue wide lace around it. Add bows or ribbon to the pillow. Let your imagination go.
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