Preparation: Using the can of flat white spray paint, spray entire mug and allow to dry.
Next: Using blue and white with sponge brush…sponge together covering entire mug. Allow your mug to dry.
While your mug is drying use the computer and invent it labels to print out a picture of your child. Make it small enough to place onto the front of the mug. Cut around the picture when you have it ready. When mug is dry peel label cutout and place on mug. Using your sponge brush…sponge some paint over the edges of the label to help it blend in.
After all paint is dry and you have applied your picture use the clear spray paint and coat entire mug. Allow to dry.
Then place Styrofoam ball in mug and add flowers. Be sure to arrange flowers pleasantly. You now have a special flower arrangement in memory of your child. Mine sits beside my sons picture.
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