Happy Father's Day Cake
Start by lining a 9-by-12-inch cardboard shirt box with tissue paper. Bake a cake in a 9-by-12-inch cake pan, remove from the pan, cool and place on waxed paper. Cover with a larger piece of waxed paper and flip the cake over and into the box (the cake bottom should face up).
Frost with a pastel-colored icing. Cut a collar and two cuffs out of white paper. The collar is a strip, rolled into a ring and taped, with a small "v" cut out of the center. The cuffs are rectangles with candy cuff links. Add a colorful frosting tie below the point where the collar will be placed. Just before serving, trim away the waxed paper and add the collar and cuffs.
Originally published in FamilyFun Magazine
Hero Sandwich
What do you call a sandwich stuffed with cold cuts and cheese? If you live in New England, it's a grinder; on the West Coast, a submarine. Order one in Philadelphia, and it's a hoagie; in New Orleans, a muffuletta. But serve one to Dad on Father's Day, and there's only one name for it: a hero sandwich.
Cut a loaf of French bread in half lengthwise. Layer on slices of ham, salami, and Provolone, Swiss or American cheese. Top with lettuce and sliced tomatoes. Add onions, pickles, olives and hot peppers, if desired. Spread on mayonnaise ormustard, or drizzle with Italian salad dressing. Serve with corn chips or pretzels and an ice-cold glass of lemonade.
Originally published in FamilyFun Magazine