Unfortunately due to time factors, we will not be able to accept special order blinkies. We hope you enjoy the blinkies we have included here.
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©My Parents Are Survivors
My Parents Are Survivors Bereavement Blinkies
Welcome to My Parents Are Survivors Bereavement Blinkies!
Blinkies seem to be a new craze on the Internet. While researching for another page I was working on for My Parents Are Survivors, I noticed there were no bereavement blinkies! Thanks to Beckie Clymo, we now have our own special blinkies. We hope you enjoy. Please read and follow the Terms below.
*Please save these images to your own hard drive*
Right-click your mouse and *Save As....* Please do not link directly to this server!
Our of respect for our site please provide a complimentary link back to our site so that other bereaved parents and grandparents will know where they may adopt their own blinkies!